Tuesday, October 29, 2013


We had a fun filled day of scarecrow activities!  The kids looked so adorable in their scarecrow costumes and they proudly paraded around the school to show all of the other students and their parents.  They felt like movie stars with all the photos and videos being taken of them.

After our parade and photo opportunity, we learned how to draw scarecrows and wrote scarecrow stories.  We also learned a scarecrow poem which we illustrated in our poetry journals and we alphabetized scarecrow words in our table groups.  Our favorite part of the day was decorating cookies to look like scarecrow faces.  After that we had a dress rehearsal, performing our hoedown for the kindergarten and second grade students.

Here is a video of 1C during the scarecrow parade:

Here are some pictures of the cutest scarecrows ever:

And her are some pictures of our cookie decorating:

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Catchin' Up....

2013-2014 School Year

I'm finally finding a minute to get some of the adorable pictures of this year's sweet class on my blog!  I promised myself I'd be better about posting on my blog this year but I've been so busy between classroom duties and home activities that it has been pushed repeatedly to "the bottom of the pile."  As a parent myself, I know it's always fun to have a peek into what is going on at school.  I try to give you some mini peeks by tweeting but I can't get all of the cute pictures on there.  So here you go...

Special Friends Day

Special Friends Day is always one of my favorites.  The children get so excited to see their grandparents, parents, relatives and friends.  I did my best to find everyone and snap a quick pic.  I apologize if I didn't get a picture of your child.

Veggie Taste Test

We had a veggie taste test as part of our lessons on healthy eating.  We tried carrots, red peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, peas in the pod, celery, tomatoes...  I hope the children all learned to like at least one veggie they hadn't previously liked.

Here is a link to our "Voicethread" that we made about the taste test:

And here are some pictures:


We had a great time today visiting an anatomy class to learn about bones and how our food choices affect them.  You would have thought we were visiting Six Flags by how excited the kids were to board the school bus and go on a field trip...and that is why I absolutely love first grade!  

Last week we Skyped with Ms. Deinhammer's anatomy class.  We had brainstormed healthy and unhealthy food choices.  The students at the high school chose some of the unhealthy choices to soak chicken bones in.  When the first graders visited today, they got to see what happened to the bones.  They got to jump on a machine that measured the force it took to break the chicken bones.  They also visited various stations around the room to learn more about bones and our bodies.  The high school students were great guides.