Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Apple Day!

To celebrate the birthday of John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed) we had a day full of apple fun!  We learned about the legend of Johnny Appleseed by reading our Social Studies big book, a little book about Johnny and we watched a short movie about Johnny.  We made a flow map about his life and we drew on our pot hats (Johnny is said to have worn a pot on his head).  We read an apple poem and put it in our poetry journals and illustrated it.  Ask your child the answer to this riddle: What is red, has no door, no windows a chimney on top and a star inside? 

We discussed oxidation and how an apple turns brown when exposed to oxygen in the air.  We estimated and graphed our apples.  We learned how to measure the circumference of our apples and we weighed them on balance scales.  And, of course, the best part was getting to taste the red, green and yellow apples and sampling caramel dip.  YUM!  Whew, it was a busy day but a fantastic one.  I even had a couple of children thank me for planning such fun activities!  What nice manners your sweeties have!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Welcome to The Penguin Post 2012-2013 1st Grade Families!

I am excited to share my blog with my new first grade families!  I mainly use my blog to post pictures of events and fun learning times in our classroom.  There is a link to this blog on my webpage.

Special Friends Day

Special Friends day is always a favorite of my 1st graders.  I love seeing their faces light up when their parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts or friends arrive!

oops!  I accidentally had the camera on video.
