Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween Fun

 We had fun doing Pumpkin Math.  We measured the height and circumference of our pumpkins and we weighed our pumpkins on a balance scale with bears. 

On Halloween, we had a SPIN day.  The children got to "spin" to each first grade class.  In 1C we guessed which of 4 ghosts would spin when it was dropped to the floor.  After we guessed, we dropped them so we could see that the one that had arms like a helicopter would spin.  Then we got to make our very own spinning ghosts.  

I carved a pumpkin so the students could write about the steps to carve a pumpkin.  In the evening the pumpkin was in front of my house when some of my 1C friends came to trick-or-treat.  I loved seeing them in their costumes!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Scarecrow Day!

 Scarecrow Day was soooo much fun!  We had a parade so we could show off our cute costumes. We did a directed drawing lesson and wrote scarecrow stories.  We made words from the letters in "scarecrow" and we sequenced the things the old lady saw in The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything. And our favorite thing was decorating cookies to look like scarecrows! Don't we look adorable in our costumes?!!!

Here are our yummy cookies:


Happy Scarecrow Day Everyone!!!!!